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Complete Guide to the DELF B2 Writing Test (2024)

1. What to Expect in the DELF B2 Writing Test

The writing section is the third part of your DELF B2 exam, following the reading comprehension.

  • ⏱️ Duration: 60 minutes
  • 📝 Number of tasks: 1
  • 📊 Minimum length: 250 words
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Breaking Down the DELF B2 Writing Task

The exam consists of a single task that evaluates your ability to express a personal argumentative point of view.

Write a personal argumentative position

This task can take various forms:

  • 📝 Contribution to a debate
  • ✉️ Formal letter
  • 📰 Critical article
  • 📄 Essay

Want to dive deeper? Check out these articles:

What is expected of you

Your text should demonstrate your ability to:

  1. Present facts clearly
  2. Argue using relevant examples
  3. Convince through a well-structured and coherent text
Key tip: A good understanding of these requirements is key to effective preparation.

What skills are evaluated?

Understanding what the examiners are looking for can help you target your preparation. They want to see how well you can:

  • 🎯 Express personal viewpoints on general topics
  • 📊 Clearly present facts and develop an argument
  • 💡 Provide relevant examples to illustrate your arguments
  • 📝 Write coherently in various formats: letter, article, essay

2. Time Management for DELF B2 Writing

Effective time management is crucial for success in the DELF B2 writing section. Here's a suggested breakdown of your 60 minutes:

  • ⏱️ 5 minutes: Reading and understanding the topic
  • 🗺️ 10 minutes: Planning your response
  • ✍️ 40 minutes: Writing
  • 🔍 5 minutes: Final check

Final check steps:

  1. Proofreading
  2. Word count
  3. Final adjustments
Note: This schedule is indicative. As you practice, you can adjust these durations based on your strengths and writing speed.

3. DELF B2 Sample Essays

For the writing task, you'll need to express your opinion on a general topic. Here's an example of a task:

◾ Exercise
250 words minimum 25 points

You live in France in a pedestrian area of the city center. The mayor of your city has decided to open some of the streets in this area to bus traffic during the day. As a representative of your building, you write a letter to the mayor to contest this decision, justifying your point of view.

Sample answer: Letter to the Mayor

Here's how you could structure your response to this type of topic:

Monsieur le Maire,

Je vous écris en tant que représentant des résidents de l'immeuble situé au 15 rue de la Paix, concernant votre décision d'ouvrir notre zone piétonne à la circulation des autobus. Nous sommes profondément préoccupés par les conséquences de cette mesure sur notre qualité de vie et la sécurité de notre quartier.

Notre zone piétonne est actuellement un havre de paix et de sécurité, particulièrement apprécié des familles et des personnes âgées. L'introduction d'autobus perturberait considérablement cet équilibre. Le bruit, la pollution et le danger accru pour les piétons sont nos principales inquiétudes.

De plus, de nombreux commerces locaux bénéficient de l'atmosphère tranquille de notre quartier. Les terrasses de cafés et les boutiques qui animent nos rues risquent de voir leur fréquentation diminuer, ce qui nuirait à l'économie locale que nous avons mis des années à développer.

Nous comprenons l'importance d'améliorer les transports publics, mais nous pensons qu'il existe des alternatives moins invasives. Par exemple, augmenter la fréquence des bus sur les artères principales autour de la zone piétonne ou investir dans des navettes électriques plus petites et moins bruyantes pourraient être des solutions plus adaptées.

En conclusion, nous vous demandons respectueusement de reconsidérer cette décision et de maintenir le caractère piétonnier de notre quartier. Nous sommes ouverts à discuter d'autres options qui pourraient concilier les besoins de transport et la préservation de notre cadre de vie.

Je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le Maire, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées.

Jean Dupont

Représentant de l'immeuble

Typical structure for a DELF B2 writing production

1. Introduction

Greet the recipient, introduce yourself, and briefly state the subject of the letter and your position.

2. Problem exposition

Describe the current situation and explain why the proposed change is problematic.

3. Main arguments

Develop your arguments against the decision, focusing on potential negative impacts.

4. Alternative proposals

Suggest alternative solutions that could address the initial need without causing the problems you've raised.

5. Conclusion

Summarize your position, make a call to action, and end with an appropriate polite phrase.

Tips for success:

  1. 🔍 Carefully analyze the instructions to fully understand the type of text required and the points to address.
  2. 🏗️ Structure your text with a clear introduction, a development in several parts, and a conclusion that summarizes your arguments.
  3. 🔗 Use logical connectors to link your ideas: d'une part, d'autre part, en effet, par conséquent, etc.
  4. 💡 Illustrate your arguments with concrete and relevant examples.
  5. 📚 Enrich your vocabulary and use idiomatic expressions to demonstrate your mastery of the language.
  6. 🎭 Adapt the language register to the context (formal for an official letter, for example).
  7. ✏️ Proofread and correct to eliminate errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Remember: practice is essential to improve your writing skills. Train regularly by timing yourself to be comfortable on exam day.

4. Advanced Tips for DELF B2 Writing

4.1 Topic analysis

Tip: Identify key elements in the instructions.

Example: "Write an article for a national newspaper about the impact of social media on society. Present the advantages and disadvantages, and give your personal opinion."

4.2 Mastery of language registers

Formal Register: "Je vous prie d'agréer, Madame, l'expression de mes salutations distinguées."

Semi-formal Register: "Je vous remercie de l'attention que vous porterez à ma demande."

4.3 Complete response to instructions

Example instruction:

Write a letter to the mayor of your city proposing improvements in public transportation. Explain the current problems, suggest solutions, and argue the benefits for the community.

How to approach this task:

  • Letter format: Include all elements of a formal letter
  • Current problems: Identify 2-3 specific issues in public transportation
  • Proposed solutions: For each problem, suggest a realistic and detailed solution
  • Benefits: Explain how each solution would improve community life

Advice: Address all points requested in the instructions to get the maximum points.

4.4 Use of logical connectors

Examples of connectors to use:

Néanmoins • Toutefois • En revanche • D'une part... d'autre part • En premier lieu • Par conséquent

4.5 Effective time management

In the last few minutes:

  1. Word count: Underline every tenth word to facilitate counting
  2. Proofreading: Check for coherence and adherence to instructions
  3. Correction: Pay attention to agreements and conjugation
Key advice: Practice applying these techniques regularly to master them on exam day.

5. Common Pitfalls in DELF B2 Writing

Here are common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Not answering the question precisely
  • Writing fewer than 250 words
  • Failing to provide concrete examples
  • Forgetting to express your personal opinion
  • Using overly simple language or structures
  • Neglecting proofreading and corrections
Key advice: Practice is the key to success! Train yourself to write on different topics, respect the time limit, and always reach the required word count. With regular practice, you'll be well-prepared for the exam.

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